“ It ' s in essence a simple technology with immense potential for impact in the shortest possible time ,” he said . “ What we are doing is combining existing and proven technologies in a novel way to solve some very big challenges while simultaneously reducing costs .”
Last October TotalEnergies and Simply Blue Group launched a joint venture , TotalEnergies SBE US , to unlock the vast potential for floating offshore wind projects in the US .
The partners aim to draw on TotalEnergies ’ expertise in large-scale offshore projects , Simply Blue Group ' s floating know-how , and a team of pioneers of the US offshore wind industry , to unlock untapped deepwater opportunities that will provide renewable electricity to millions of US homes .
" Our ambition is to install 100 gigawatts of global renewable power generation by 2030 , part of which will come from floating offshore wind projects ,” said Stéphane Michel , President , Gas , Renewables & Power at TotalEnergies .
" We are convinced of the large potential of floating offshore wind to provide US coasts with renewable electricity , and are
The Godfather of Wind ' sNew Floating Revolution