Energy Magazine April 2022 | Page 104

PANEL Tidal updates

PANEL Tidal updates

• Eco Wave Power Global has completed the grid connection route works in the Port of Jaffa , Israel , pursuant to the engineering coordination permit from the Municipality of Tel-Aviv Jaffa , for the deployment of the grid connection works of the EWP-EDF One wave energy project .
• Resolute Marine is developing an innovative technology that harnesses ocean wave energy to produce fresh water and electricity in off-grid areas and provide relief from the harmful economic and social effects of water scarcity .
• UK Tidal Energy (# powerofthetide ) is working to exploit the power of tides , which are “ far more predictable than the sun and wind ”. They suggest that the UK is perfectly placed to benefit from the growing tidal energy market which could reach upwards of £ 76bn worldwide by 2050 . committed to contribute our extensive expertise in offshore projects to make it happen ."
The next frontier of US offshore wind is floating , believes Sam Roch-Perks , CEO , Simply Blue .
“ Almost two-thirds of US offshore wind resources are found in deeper waters that require floating wind platforms ,” he said . “ TotalEnergies SBE US brings together the scale , expertise , and international track record to responsibly develop floating offshore wind power on all of America ' s coasts .”
104 April 2022