“ Almost two-thirds of US offshore wind resources are found in deeper waters that require floating wind platforms ”
“ Almost two-thirds of US offshore wind resources are found in deeper waters that require floating wind platforms ”
In November , Simec Atlantis Energy entered into a collaboration agreement with tidal energy developer , Nova Innovation , which will see them work together to deliver tidal turbines at the MeyGen site in the Pentland Firth ( off Northern Scotland ), and beyond .
Dan Klein , Head of Energy Pathways , Analytics , S & P Global Platts , said with oil and gas prices high and on the rise , policymakers are again grappling with how to balance the twin desires of encouraging affordable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions .
“ The fact that consumers are paying more for energy at the same time emissions are rising to new record highs underscores the pressures of urgency around energy transition acceleration ,” he said .
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