Energy Magazine December 2015 | Page 57

MIDDLE EAST touch with loved ones back home . “ These guys , often ex-pats , are coming to the Kingdom on a three- or five-year contract , so we try to create an environment which is conducive for them to have a bit of rest and relaxation when they get the opportunity . It ’ s very important to have that because they are away from their families , so we really try to take care of them ,” he explains .
And Karam Fedics Services is now diversifying into other markets says Khan : “ Currently , most of the companies we work with are oil and gas , but as the dynamics change , we have to look at ways of creating different offerings , rather than just one or two . There is construction , hospitals , government business and education , for example .” The dynamics he refers to are , of course , the current pressures in the oil and gas industry , which has led the company to venture into other markets , including government contracts , which has involved a lengthy audit process . Khan says : “ We are on the verge of getting our government classification certificate following successful audits by the relevant authorities recently . . Once that happens , it opens up a whole new avenue of opportunities for us – hospitals , education , military , and prisons . And if you win a government tender , and you need 1,000 staff , the visa application process goes much more swiftly .”
Another way the company is managing the impact of the oil price drops is by working closely with its supply chain to ensure they are making the most of economies of scale . Khan says : “ We have
The team
Hamid Khan , General Manager
www . karamfedics . com 57