Energy Magazine December 2015 | Page 58

We Sell Fresh Fruit And Vegetables

‘ The high quality service is the same across all of the company ’ s sites , because of this central way of managing the specification and standards ’

a central distribution system . Everything we need gets bought in and brought in to our warehouse , where it is processed and then distributed to the various sites . We are not going to have different camps ordering at different prices , it ’ s more costeffective if it all goes through our central system .”
As well as cutting costs , this system also means that Karam Fedics Services can keep a close eye on the quality of goods it receives . “ If a supplier delivers to a site and that particular manager is not really switched on to look for the quality and so forth , they could easily get a product that might be substandard – whereas if it comes through our warehousing and distribution , we can manage
Zafar Group of Companies
Shahzad Zafar Group of Companies started its operation in Bahrain since 2007 and 2009 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and expanded in year 2013-2014 . The company has been recognized by its large scale and wide variety of Import / Export and Sale of Food Stuffs ( Fruits , Vegetables & Crops , Dairy , Frozen Goods ), Non- Alcoholic Drinks and General Mercantile .
A sole distributor of Unifrutti Products in KSA and Bahrain and a sole distributor of Monviso Water bottles in GCC . Moreover , the company is also a distributor of Delizia products , Dellaves , Anchor Brand & Chiquita in KSA . Thus , Unifrutti became a benchmark for the company ’ s excellent quality products . Goods are being imported from Chile , South Africa , Italy , Pakistan , and USA . Dairy & frozen products are being imported from Brazil , India , and Australia . The company uses its own build structured Coldstorage rooms in Dammam with controlled temperatures securing each product and maintaining its freshness .
The company is one of the established in logistics and transportation with its largest fl eet . Each carrier is ensured with high quality and sensitivity of products while delivering to customers , especially fruits and frozen goods .
We Sell Fresh Fruit And Vegetables
Tel + 966 13 8476884
Email rizwan _ hamza2002 @ yahoo . com 58 December 2015
YOUSUF NASSER AL MEFRAS TRD EST PO No . 2739 , dammam 31463 , Saudi Arabia Mobile 00966555861394