Imtiaz Shah , Supply Chain Director
Mohammed Mohsin , Chief Accountant
on a regular basis , so we know up front if there is an issue bubbling underneath the surface and we can deal with it straight away . Listening to feedback is absolutely essential , because it ’ s pointless providing a service that people are unhappy with .”
The company employs around 915 people – this has doubled since it started in 2009 – and sourcing staff with the right level of expertise is key to its success . “ We make sure we have the right quality people with the right sort of skills but , more importantly , we make sure there are mechanisms in place to retain them . We listen to their requirements , make sure there is career progression and that there is no mismatch between the job and the actual individual . We believe in investing in our staff so that they are driven to provide superior service to our customers . As such we retain staff and keep our clients satisfied ,” Khan concludes .
Frank Iddon , Director - Operations and Business Development
Mubarak Saad Al-Ajmi , Admin . Manager and Legal Affaris
www . karamfedics . com 61