Energy Magazine December 2019 | Page 17

CLICK TO WATCH : ‘ HELLO , I AM INNOGY ’ 17 and have thereby been able to give the customer a complete online journey . Several years ago , this journey could have taken several months due to uncertainty . Now , we have narrowed that down to a one-click experience , completely online : enter your ZIP code and house number and an algorithm calculates how many panels can go on your roof , how productive they will be , your payback time and investment needed including a rental option ” says Singh .
A key driver of the Retail Digital program is our Leadership Team Digital that consists of the key six markets of innogy
with their local heads of digital , driving a joint roadmap and enabling the delivery of selected digital value pools with great scaling opportunity across all these markets .
An important pillar of the Retail Digital program is the delivery of a joint Mobile Strategy across markets , in which innogy realises smarter and faster app development , improved life-cycle management and best practice sharing in all aspects including a joint asset library for UX and design . “ We work closely with all our markets to give customers a seamless and consistent mobile experience within all
. energydigital . com