Energy Magazine February 2015 | Page 41

Scarborough Toll House site
at the same time one billion litres of waste water is collected , treated and disposed of .
Privatised with the entire English and Welsh water industry in 1989 , Yorkshire Water is now part of the Kelda Group which is made up of a number of infrastructure funds including CitiGroup , GIC and Deutsche Bank .
Simon Barnes , Director of Business Support at Yorkshire Water , said : “ We have an ideology about customer-centricity where everything starts with the customer . Their needs are our priority and we works backwards from there . According to the UK Customer Service Index we are currently the top customer service provider in the utility sector . Our vision is ‘ taking responsibility for the water environment for good ’, and we have underpinned that vision with six strategic business objectives looking out over 25 years .
“ We developed those business objectives by


Clean Water Network


Waste Water Network

www . yorkshirewater . com 41