Energy Magazine January 2017 | Page 63

Deryl Brown ,

Chief Executive Officer

Deryl Brown is responsible for North American Power Business ’ overall strategy and composition . He is a seasoned energy business executive with a proven track record of value creation in the competitive retail energy industry . He has over 40 years of experience in the retail energy industry , which includes strategy development , engineering , operations , customer service , technology , marketing , and sales .

confidence to do so resides in NAPB ’ s leadership , which has been there and done it all before .
Energized Partnerships While North American Power ’ s residential business is entirely focused on the end user , North American Power Business has a slightly different strategy . With gas and electricity making up a major proportion of overheads across the board from manufacturing to IT and data heavy businesses , and the need to comply with complex regulations across different states and jurisdictions , big business invariably turns to consultants , aggregators and energy brokers to obtain the best advice and the best deals available .
In fact , more than 60 percent of energy transactions in the United States are done through
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