Energy Magazine January 2017 | Page 64

a broker or consultant . This is because brokers and consultants can not only find a great price for a business ’ energy supply , but many also advise on energy efficiency tactics such as energy management systems , equipment and lighting retrofitting as well as renewable energy sourcing . Several brokers and consultants also specialize in selling ancillary products and services that assist customers in achieving LEED compliance for their facilities .
North American Power Business ’ leadership therefore understands the importance of focusing on these key players in the market ,

“ The portal is our conduit to get the data from the broker to price the customer ” supplying them with the power their clients need , in the way they need it and with outstanding transparency and flexibility when it comes to pricing , billing and commissions . NAPB approaches the market almost exclusively through these third-party brokers . “ The brokers we work with , we call them sales partners , are vital to our company ’ s success ,” chief sales officer Kris Hertel said . “ As a result , our value proposition to potential sales partners needs to be just as strong as our value proposition to the end user .”

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So , what is that powerful value proposition that is already attracting top brokers in the industry ? According to Hertel , in addition to its highly experienced management team that knows what brokers want and need , it ’ s North American Power Business ’ technology that is the competitive advantage in the marketplace .
64 January 2017