3 ) Think Bigger and Look to the Cloud
3 ) Think Bigger and Look to the Cloud
Beyond improving your green status within your office cubicles , there is also a bigger picture to consider . Data storage is an increasing concern , and efficient data storage is rapidly coming into focus as a way to reduce energy waste and emissions .
When acquiring servers , look for newer models that better regulate temperature and power management in order to use energy more efficiently . These newer models may be more expensive up front , but the energy savings over time can be substantial .
Another option involves taking your data to the cloud . There is considerable debate over whether the cloud is green per se , but the technology ’ s ability to help individual businesses reduce active data center space and thereby increase efficiency
‘ Data storage is an increasing concern , and efficient data storage is rapidly coming into focus as a way to reduce energy waste and emissions ’
Large companies who adopt cloud computing could see annual energy savings of $ 12.3 billion by 2020
10 July 2015