1 ) Strengthen your power management strategies
2 ) Invest in a Greener Brand of Technology
1 ) Strengthen your power management strategies
Go on the offense against energy waste by seeking out technology that is known to be more efficient . ENERGY STAR is a voluntary program sponsored by the U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) which promotes energy efficiency , and the program ’ s “ Low Carbon IT ” campaign is dedicated to helping businesses from HP to AT & T reduce their energy costs and run their IT programs more sustainably .
According to the program , the single most important thing that a business can do right now to start saving energy is turning off computers or sending them into standby or sleep mode when not in use . According to ENERGY STAR , simply activating system standby or hibernating features can save an office $ 50 or more per computer .
2 ) Invest in a Greener Brand of Technology
Of course equipment that only saves money and energy while it ’ s asleep isn ’ t truly efficient . A business invested in green computing also needs equipment that is fully invested in being
Uninterruptible Power Supplies ( UPS )
as green as possible . ENERGY STAR offers several recommendations for computers and monitors that meet the program ’ s specifications regarding TEC ( typical energy consumption ) levels and power management settings .
But don ’ t stop at computers , either — smart peripherals like surge protectors and uninterruptable power supplies ( UPS ) can also play a role in keeping your power usage well managed .