De Liege describes the CTS process and how it can help reduce the cost of producing high quality ethanol fuel : “ The CTS process converts virtually any cellulose material ( plant , paper , agricultural and lawn waste , tree and sawdust , etc .) into its base components of sugar and lignin in minutes , without using expensive enzymes , liquid acids , applied heat or pressure .
“ Instead of using food-sourced feedstocks such as corn and sugar cane , the CTS process uses virtually any plant residue , from agricultural wastes to specially grown grasses , and this yields high amounts of sugar in a very low footprint .”
ABP is claiming to be able to produce a gallon of cellulosic ethanol for $ 1 , a marked saving on the $ 1.30- $ 1.60 cost of traditional corn-based methods . Other cellulose processes ( using various enzymes ) can cost between $ 2.80 and $ 4.50 depending on corn waste availability and pricing .
Theory aside , commercial deployment of CTS technology is imminent . “ We ’ re through all of the testing , and are currently designing and engineering our first commercial plant to be located in East Central Florida using municipal yard waste as a feedstock ,” de Liege confirms . “ The
The Alliance team testing CTS
22 July 2017