plant should be online and producing cellulosic ethanol by early 2018 .”
“ Earth has enough green waste to replace all petroleumbased products in under 20 years , if we ’ re willing to do it ”
– DANIEL DE LIEGE Chairman , Alliance Bio-Products
Displacement While a strong case can be made for ethanol over petroleum , especially if technology such as CST takes off , does de Liege believe a displacement will happen ?
“ Earth has enough green waste to replace all petroleum-based products in under 20 years , if we ’ re willing to do it ,” he says .
“ Unlike its competition , the CTS process can be used to make fine chemicals , pharmaceuticals , nutraceuticals , carbon-fiber nanotubes and much more . It ’ s modular , so it can be put on a truck or in the hull of a ship and taken to remote locations , or it can be built into a massive industrial refinery complex for widespread distribution .
“ It can be used to run generators in Africa or Haiti for hospitals or water treatment , for the first time or it can be located on island nations and used to power a country . The CTS process is Mechanocatalytic , a new science . It ’ s a means of doing chemistry dryly , greenly and safely .”