Energy Magazine July 2017 | Page 40

when they work with us . We put ourselves in their shoes and can see exactly what they desire when it comes to their business requirements . If you show all of that as one global picture to them , the trust follows .”
The company ’ s dedication to its staff is blatant and admirable . “ The most valuable asset any organisation has is the people ,” Alishahpour says , “ because everything else is going to be run by those smart , skilled , qualified people .” VTTI ’ s need to show its credentials as HSEQ-compliant and secure is for the benefit of employees , customers , and stakeholders alike , to prove that while this industry holds specific risks , that doesn ’ t make it perilous . “ I believe when you ’ re managing correctly and making sure the check list is ticked properly , it ’ s not dangerous ,” Alishahpour says . “ It ’ s very important how we manage
Our Speciality Services :
Dry Docking Services
Design & Manufacture of Heat Exchangers
Shell & Tube Type and Air Cooled Fin Fan Coolers
Offshore & Onshore Marine Services Refinery Shutdown / Turnaround Maintenance Hydro Jetting Cleaning Chemical Cleaning onsite & in house Refurbishment of Heat Exchangers Re-Tubing of Heat Exchangers UltraSonic Cleaning Industrial Coatings HVAC Annual Maintenance Contracts Industrial Plant Maintainance Plate Heat Exchangers & Cooling Towers Custom Design & Engineering Industrial & Remote Radiators
P . O . Box 1424 , Sharjah , U . A . E E-mail : dolcool @ eim . ae
Tel : + 971-6-5432526 , Fax : + 971-6-5432415 / 406
Website : www . dolphinheattransfer . com ASME - ‘ U ’, ‘ U2 ’ & ‘ S ’, NATIONAL BOARD ‘ R ’ & ‘ NB ’, ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001 Certified Company