Energy Magazine June 2017 | Page 67

ASIA hydro turbines . It was in 1995 when we became a wholy owned subsidiar y of TNB that we diligently geared our resources and exper tise in realization of the vision and mission of the company .”
How does TNB REMACO balance diversification with loyalty to its parent power plants ? “ Previously , we were exclusively ser vicing TNB ’ s existing fleet of power plants but have expanded our ser vices for newly developed power plants and are also actively providing ser vices to independent power producers ( IPP ’ s ) such as Malakoff and Power tek , as wel as oil and gas ( O & G ) sector ,” Yusoff explains . Among the O & G clients ser viced by TNB REMACO are Petronas Gas Berhad ( PGB ,)
Petronas MLNG and GE Power .
Not only is TNB REMACO diversif ying from the traditional energy market , it ’ s also exploring different geographical spaces . “ In the middle of 2004 , we star ted going into international markets ,” Yusoff explains . The company has business presence within the South-East Asia and MENA ( Middle East and Nor th Africa ) region , such as in Myanmar , Singapore , Brunei , Indonesia , Yemen , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Vietnam . Yusoff explains that TNB REMACO ’ s goal is to achieve 10 to 20 percent growth from overseas businesses : “ I have to look at ever y oppor tunity to grow business localy as wel as internationaly . For the last three years , we star ted going aggressively into the Middle East ,” he says . Currently , TNB REMACO has three operations
www . tnbremaco . com . my 67