Energy Magazine June 2017 | Page 69

Siemens Malaysia ’ s competitive compensation plans and flexi benefits for employees have translated to an all-time low attrition rate of 4.5 % as of 2016 compared to the national market trend at 8.5 %. For Siemens Power Generation Services , employing skilled manpower and drawing from a sufficient talent pool like engineers and project managers are critical to ensuring the sustainability of the business and our largebased projects . We also place strong emphasis in employee retention with continuous trainings that would elevate know-how , understanding of topics like quality , digitalization , improvement and cost reduction , and getting employees equipped with new technologies and software tools . As technology transfer is an important component of Siemens ’ s business , we ensure that a structured transfer of technical knowhow to local business partners and employees are properly executed .
At Siemens , safety is taken very seriously to ensure that employees work in a riskfree environment , and to return home to their families safe and sound . As the Zero Harm Culture initiator , Siemens management plays an integral role in implementing safety measures to prevent incidents , obviating health impairments , and continuously improving on existing systems . With Siemens Power Generation Services , our accountability and ownership over the Zero Harm Culture encompasses site inspections , audits , safety management tools , and safety trainings . Over the years , we have received much recognition for our highest standards in safety and quality performance .
Diversity is also valued in the Siemens workplace , the example being our 43 % women representation in Siemens Malaysia workforce .
Siemens Power Generation Services has come a long way in transitioning to its present role that offers a
broad portfolio of products and services from high quality OEM components over field service , repairs as well as plant modernization , to longterm service agreements including operations and digitalization ; the transition into the latter to improve efficiency , maximize profitability , increase transparency and enhance data-driven technology . Siemens Power Generation Services is already deploying digitalization to analyze vast amounts of data , to predict and prescribe future maintenance measures and prevent unscheduled outages by using our digitalization platform ‘ Mindsphere ’. All these digital solutions would translate to economic savings and lowering carbon emission . Together with our local partners , it underscores our commitment to advancing the nation ’ s clean energy agenda and a clear stride in a marathon of partnerships towards achieving many more milestones for the energy ecosystem of Malaysia .