Energy Magazine March 2016 | Page 37

EUROPE have been found in a variety of ways . “ It ’ s not a quick process finding the right people for the long term and reorganising at the same time , so we ’ ve taken our time . We ’ ve been working with recruitment firms we know but also using networks and different methods of connection to professionals as well , including social media .” A similar journey has been undertaken when it comes to how SGN manages the relationships it has with suppliers and partners , taking time to expand its circle of knowledge with carefully chosen third parties who can help SGN on its journey of continuous improvement .
Within Quail ’ s team , there has also been a change on how the employees are organised . He says : “ I ’ ve got a group of people who look at future demand and work with our business on prioritising that work . Then there ’ s a group responsible for design and architecture and also a group responsible for projects , building and testing plus the traditional ‘ run ’ part of the organisation . We still have those capabilities , but now we are putting in place cross-functional and cross-skilled teams . So those guys getting together in a single team with different parts of the business to deliver the specific solutions that are of real value to our customers , faster and at lower cost , becomes the order of the day rather than just passing work from one team to another as we used to . This may seem obvious to many web-based or smaller organisations but for a more traditional utility organisation , www . sgn . co . uk 37