Focusing on continuously developing innovative solutions and building strategic partnerships with global IT leaders , OTE Group stands out to be a trusted technology partner for large busi ness customers . By modernizing its IT infrastruc ture , as well as maintaining operational and peo ple excellence , OTE Group delivers and supports sophisticated tailor-made projects . The state-of-the-art services and solutions offered by OTE Group enable businesses dy namically to the new digital era and ensure their business continuity and efficiency . SPREAD ND OR NUM
The strategic partnership with Motor Oil for the implementation of an SD- WAN ( Software Defined-WAN ) solution acts as an accelerator of the company ’ s digital transformation journey through a robust technology strategy .
Motor Oil is one of the leading players in Greece and the eastern Mediterranean region in the areas of crude oil refining and petroleum products . The company has large campuses all over Greece with distinct connectivity and communication needs . Some of the installations are in remote areas , where as others need to operate uninterrupted 24 / 7 . At the same time , these installations need to have independent and safe access to the Internet and to cloud services , with an extremely high SLA , regarding both network and services as well as applications .
OTE has provided Motor Oil with a turn-key solution to modernize its corporate network with a Software
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Defined-WAN implementation . The SD-WAN solution provides a virtual WAN architecture , with users controlling and managing the entire system via software running on a central platform . One of the main advantages of this approach is that it can offer a combination of communication technologies ( MPLS , dedicated broadband Internet and LTE ), to safely interconnect a company ’ s point of presence , while improving overall user experience and increasing productivity . The Motor Oil project includes 30 sites all over Greece . OTE Group has selected Cisco Meraki SD-WAN services in order to provide Motor Oil a complete solution that includes the necessary connectivity , hardware equipment , a management platform and all the SLA agreements needed .
With the implementation of the SD-WAN project , Motor Oil will have achieved a simplified , fully secured network , with high availability and scalability . Both user experience and productivity will have improved . The company ’ s IT department has now more agility , being able to integrate new points of presence whenever needed and much faster . Also , the project provides better management of capital , as well as operational expenses .
Holistically looking at Motor Oil operations , OTE Group aims to empower our customer ’ s vision for having a leading role in the crude oil refining and marketing of petroleum products sectors in Greece .
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