coming decades , and are areas where our attorneys have particular experience .
Turning to COP26 , do we foresee legal penalties for companies and countries which don ’ t embrace netzero technologies fast enough ? The message ahead of COP26 is one of collaboration – governments , businesses and society working together to address challenges posed by climate change . The emphasis is on encouraging progress rather than penalising failure . An objective at COP26 is to finalise the rules implementing the 2015 Paris Agreement . This framework does not impose penalties , but does call for transparency and accountability from countries , cultivating a collective urgency to meet targets . For companies , a commitment to carbon neutrality is now a matter of public image , and embracing net-zero technologies often results in reduced costs . Rather than imposing penalties , what we need now is government intervention to de-risk investment in net-zero innovation , so that more net-zero technologies are available on the market .
Do legal frameworks still need to be improved when it comes to regulating new technologies ? Speaking as a patent attorney , I don ’ t expect fundamental changes to the underlying principles of UK patent law , at least within the 30-year timeframe
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