Energy Magazine November 2021 | Page 18

addressed by the Paris agreement . The UK Patents Act dates from 1977 and was drafted to future proof against technological changes . The law does not define “ invention ”, which allows the term to evolve to accommodate new technology . In the energy space , important innovation lies in the field of digitalisation and AI . The law nominally excludes protection for “ computer programs ”, but the Courts follow an established interpretation which allows patents for software inventions which make a genuinely technical contribution . Outside of patent law , regulatory frameworks will inevitably require change as new technologies evolve . With smart appliances set to play a critical role in matching supply and demand in a renewables-based energy system , issues of interoperability , data privacy and cyber security come to the fore . Legislative changes governing hydrogen will be needed if this low-carbon fuel is to play a role in the energy transition – blending green hydrogen into the gas network would reduce emissions and motivate scaled-up production of hydrogen for use in other areas , but the use of hydrogen in the gas network is limited by legislation to a concentration of 0.1 %, with new research suggesting that up to 20 % is safe and viable .
What is next for technology and renewable energy ? Patents are filed early in the development of new technologies , and patent filing statistics can provide useful insight into tomorrow ’ s technology landscape . Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar have a significant role to play in
the future energy system . As these sectors mature , innovation increasingly focusses on improved efficiency and sustainability . There are also developments offshore , where innovative floating wind applications carry the potential to open up larger areas of the ocean for siting wind farms . But wind and solar cannot be scaled up indefinitely without new ways of storing energy . Unlike fossil fuels , they suffer from variability with output dependent on seasons and weather . Patent filings show innovation in advanced batteries and hydrogen electrolysers to meet the demand for improved large-scale energy storage . There is also renewed interest in nuclear technology , with patents to small
18 November 2021