Energy Magazine November 2021 | Page 33

Implementing new technologies and processes do not come without challenges ; for WaterNSW the primary challenge was legacy environments . “ We have lots of different disparate data sources and trying to bring all those together using lots of legacy and proprietary data protocols is a significant challenge . We needed to accommodate each of those legacy proprietary technologies so that we could translate them into a standardised form . The next challenge was then to capture the business rules that have been traditionally in people ' s heads or those various disparate systems and codify in automated data processes . That ' s required us to reimagine our data flow and the rules and constraints we put around that data to make sure data is handled in a consistent way . In doing that , we ' ve delivered a comprehensive capability across all of our data that enables consumers to trust the data and to readily fix errors that stay fixed when they are identified .”

“ The 360-degree view allows the customer service operator and the customer themselves to see all of those interactions in one place in a context for their personal customer profile ”

Better Serving Customers With water being one of the most critical elements , whether it be from an agricultural point of view or from a town ’ s water supply , Langdon explains the relationship WaterNSW has with its customers , “ it is a very important relationship because , really , water transfers in a continual motion , therefore that relationship has to be very strong and we need to be able to work very closely together with customers to optimise the use of water and to synchronise the release of water to match demand . Water , being a limited resource , requires us to work with our customers to ensure that we manage it in the most efficient way possible , and we have to do that in a partnership .”
By developing the IoT gateway , WaterNSW can allow its customers to find information at their fingertips . “ This is actually giving us the energydigital . com 33