“ Policy choices made by governments matter . For supply , policy will govern the ability of investment whether by NOCs or private companies to access prospective resources , as well as the incentives to develop alternatives such as biofuels . For demand , policies appear likely to slow consumption growth whether motivated by concerns for climate , security , or budgets .”
In July , The World Benchmarking Alliance warned that at current rates , oil and gas companies will prevent the world hitting the 1.5 ° C warming goal .
David Flood , Statkraft ’ s UK country manager , urges governments to prioritise renewables over unproven or timeconsuming projects , such as nuclear .
“ We can ' t solve climate change without first addressing our addiction to fossil fuels ,” he said .
“ The good news is that we have everything we need to make a real step change right now , all it takes is relentless focus on renewable energy . If the world is serious about leaving 90 % of fossil fuels in the ground , we can ’ t afford to get distracted by unproven technology or costly moonshots . Nor can we maintain the status-quo .
“ The UK needs to lead the world in making a firm commitment at COP26 to wean itself off oil , coal and gas , and replace them with a diverse range of affordable and accessible renewable energy sources .”
Domestic heating is another major emissions issue , as European nations get ready to power up for another winter . Insulate Britain protesters have been raising the heat , blocking the M25 and other roads .
Paris Promised , Glasgow Must Deliver - COP26 President-Designate Speech
42 November 2021