EnergyDigital Magazine February 2023 | Page 55


“ With the right data , the industry can overcome the global energy challenges of today and reduce its environmental impact on tomorrow ”

As VP of Engineering Solutions , Davies oversees the management of the engineering R & D information solutions portfolio , which includes geospatial intelligence tool Geofacets , as well as the substances and material database Knovel .
His role includes working with customers across energy and natural resources to understand the issues they are trying to solve , while updating the vision and direction of Elsevier ' s products to align with those needs . Davies leads the Engineering Solutions team at Elsevier , developing online information tools , databases and services for global academic , corporate and government customers to help them improve their research and commercial outcomes through innovation .
Currently , much of this work involves helping companies along the path to net zero ; Elsevier ’ s solutions are being used to identify how current operations can be made more sustainable , as well as how to accelerate renewables projects .
Tell us about Elsevier Elsevier is a leader in information and analytics for customers across the global research , health , and engineering ecosystems . We ’ ve got a rich history , founded in 1880 , and are currently headquartered in Amsterdam – although we have offices globally . While many will know of Elsevier ’ s publishing division , we also have a powerful portfolio of R & D solutions for corporate and academic users
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