EnergyDigital Magazine February 2023 | Page 56

that bring together incomparable data assets , powerful analytics and technologies . Our tools help R & D professionals , engineers and researchers shorten the distance between discovery and impact , enabling them to make more confident decisions while managing costs , regulations , and health and safety risks .
How is Elsevier embracing digital workforce models for the energy sector ? Recent changes to the workplace have reiterated the importance of having the right technologies for many industries , and engineering is no different . Onsite visits to existing and prospective sites during the pandemic were reduced , and what we saw instead was many energy and natural resource companies trying to make more of the desk research phase of projects . This is where Elsevier enabled them to thrive – providing technologies that enable scientists to understand the intricacies of a location and assess potential risks by taking a virtual tour . Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ) can be overlayed together with base maps , allowing researchers to conduct in-depth virtual field work that ’ s comparable to walking around a location without visiting it in person . Researchers can analyse terrain , rock and mineral composition , or data on climate and weather , such as wind direction or wind speed , using our platforms . Having these insights virtually and in a user-friendly format informs strategy for remote researchers , saves time and money , and reduces carbon emissions produced by unnecessary travel or failed attempts at developing new sites .
How is the importance of data enabling engineers to thrive within the energy sector ? In the energy industry , data is the foundation on which all projects are safely and successfully built . For example , data is
critical for screening and developing new offshore renewables sites , which present high capital costs and risk due to their limited supply chains and connectivity . Having access to the right data enables engineers to make confident decisions about the viability of potential sites and ensure energy investments deliver results . Some factors they might assess include : geology , shallow seismic data , seabed mobility and obstructions , and meteorology data . It ’ s also important to be aware of existing infrastructure , transport viability and environmental impact , especially when setting net-zero opportunities such as geothermal plants and wind turbines .
56 February 2023