We can . Introducing valPure ® V70 . The first non-BPA technology with epoxy-like performance .
Can you see the future ?
We can . Introducing valPure ® V70 . The first non-BPA technology with epoxy-like performance .
valPure V70 is a breakthrough technology for light metal packaging for food and beverage manufacturers looking for safety without compromise . It ’ s been proven nonendocrine active by independent laboratories and approved by regulatory agencies . It delivers industry-standard epoxy performance from a non-BPA * solution .
We developed V70 through our Safety by Design process , which uses the latest scientific methods to test for endocrine activity , toxicology and migration to preserve food safety , can integrity and market longevity . valPure V70 is a sustainable technology , water-based , low VOC , and maintains existing plant efficiencies .
valPure technologies are approved for use around the world for virtually every light metal packaging application .
Add that to our impressive 49 non-BPA patents and more than 100 international regulatory approvals , and no wonder more than 20 billion cans are lined with valPure technologies .
Only valPure offers you the widest choice of non-BPA * coating solutions to address your needs now and prepare you for changing regulatory requirements and consumer preferences in the future , no matter your coating need . Have confidence in the future with valPure and V70 .
www . valpure . com
* Non-BPA - This designation indicates that the coating technology is based on polymeric components that are not directly derived from Bisphenol A . © 2017 The Valspar Corporation